Dorin CDS series for CO2 sub-critical application

The range covers displacements from 1,90 to 48,82 m3/h for CO2 SUB-CRITICAL APPLICATION

These compressors main features are:

• PSs = 36 bar • PS = 55 bar thanks to an innovative body design, assuring correct refrigerant charge even for prolonged standstill conditions

• excellent and proven reliability proven by the several thousands units already running in the field

• increased C.O.P. values, thanks to fluid dynamic optimization of the internal vanes shape, high efficiency 4 poles motors

• wide application envelope: allows the compressor safe use in the most common cascade or booster applications

• HP and LP safety relief valve suction and discharge service valve • low vibrations, thanks to an optimized mass balance

• low gas pulsation

• suitable for frequency control

• special lubricant for  CO2 applications

• electric box with IP65 class of protection on all series

These compressors main features are:

• PSs = 36 bar • PS = 55 bar thanks to an innovative body design, assuring correct refrigerant charge even for prolonged standstill conditions

• excellent and proven reliability proven by the several thousands units already running in the field

• increased C.O.P. values, thanks to fluid dynamic optimization of the internal vanes shape, high efficiency 4 poles motors

• wide application envelope: allows the compressor safe use in the most common cascade or booster applications

• HP and LP safety relief valve suction and discharge service valve • low vibrations, thanks to an optimized mass balance

• low gas pulsation

• suitable for frequency control

• special lubricant for  CO2 applications

• electric box with IP65 class of protection on all series


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